St. Thomas the Apostle Catholic School has been making a difference in the lives of students for over 60 years by inspiring spiritual growth, intellectual challenge, community service, and compassion for others. We ask you to reflect on the difference that Catholic education has made in your life and support our school. Tuition alone does not cover the total cost of education and we rely on donations and other forms of support to provide it. Through the Annual Fund, St. Thomas the Apostle Catholic School can help pay for facility projects, equipment for the classrooms, and offset the tuition cost.
St. Thomas the Apostle Catholic School fulfills its mission of providing a quality Catholic education regardless of family income, race, or ethnicity by keeping tuition affordable for all families. We see diversity as a strength, which provides our students with a deeper understanding of themselves and the world around them. By keeping tuition affordable we can serve all members of our community.
Please kindly consider contributing this year to St. Thomas the Apostle Catholic School’s Blessed Are The Children Annual Campaign. Without the support of our community we would be unable to provide our children with the wonderful learning environment of St. Thomas the Apostle Catholic School.